Indoor Odor and Allergen Removal Services

greater raleigh-durham

Level One Provides Professional Odor Removal Services for Raleigh & Durham

We are here to help. Let’s begin by getting you to the right place.

Service Area

We provide odor remediation services to the greater Raleigh-Durham, NC region.

If you live outside of our service area we are happy to check our national network and see if we can connect you to a provider for your area. There is no charge for this! We realize that odor issues can be difficult to resolve and are happy to help.

Be sure to check out our blog for helpful how-to articles and expert DIY advice.

Pet Odor Removal Service



FAQ’s – Pet Odor Removal

Sometimes you can’t see the cat pee. This could be due to several reasons. The carpet surface may have been cleaned so the surface stain is gone, but the urine is still present in the underlayment. often cat and dog pee stains aren’t visible to our eyes in normal room or daylight. We always use diagnostic instruments to find the cat pee. This includes using a UV light which causes the urine to fluoresce so we can see it. We also use a probe to locate the urine that is below the surface of the carpet.

What has happened is that you have most likely treated the stains on the surface of the carpet, but haven’t addressed the bigger problem which is that the urine has penetrated down into the pad and subfloor. And usually over a wider area. There may also be other locations that have urine that were not visible on the surface. We need to test the entire area of the affected room all the way down to the subfloor in order to identify all of the contaminated areas so they can all be treated to remove the source of the odor.

This is common in homes with old urine contamination in the carpets. The carpets had old urine in them that had dried into uric acid crystals. When the carpet was cleaned, water was introduced which rehydrated and caused the smell to return. The affected areas need to be deep treaed all the way to the subfloor with a product that will destroy the uric acid. The area needs to be flushed to remove the waste and then the carpet cleaned again.

Smoke particles are very small and very sticky and get into and onto EVERYTHING. Simply wiping them away won’t work.

Treatment protocols are defined by how long the issue persisted. Long term chronic smoking issues require a comprehensive approach that includes removing contaminated fixtures and either cleaning or discarding them, washing the affected areas with a special product which changes the molecular structure of the nicotine proteins so they dont smell, and then using a gas or vapor treatment to completely destroy any remaining material. In some cases an final step is needed to seal the area, with a special paint, as a safeguard against the possibility of any future smell occurring. Tobacco smoke smells are very treatable, as long as we follow the appropriate protocols.

Cannabis smoke smell issues are very similar to cigarettes smoke odors. They are removed in the same way.

Yes, we treat dog body odors similar to urine contamination. These odor is coming from the carpet. Often the areas near entrances where the animal comes into the house are the most affected as the dog has come in with wet feet and left grime on the floor. this builds up and bacteria grow causing an odor. The main difference between urine odors and pet body odors is that the source of the urine odors is often located in distinct areas, whereas the source of the body odor issues is spread across wider areas of the carpet, and can also be down into the pad. We treat body odor issues the same way we treat urine for contamination.

Absolutely there is. We can do a pet odor inspection where we test for sings of urine contamination which would lead to odors later.

Still have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us
and we will be with you shortly.

Smoking Odor Removal Service



FAQ’s – Smoking Odor Removal

Smoke particles are very small and very sticky and get into and onto EVERYTHING. Simply wiping them away won’t work.

Treatment protocols are defined by how long the issue persisted. Long term chronic smoking issues require a comprehensive approach that includes removing contaminated fixtures and either cleaning or discarding them, washing the affected areas with a special product which changes the molecular structure of the nicotine proteins so they dont smell, and then using a gas or vapor treatment to completely destroy any remaining material. In some cases an final step is needed to seal the area, with a special paint, as a safeguard against the possibility of any future smell occurring. Tobacco smoke smells are very treatable, as long as we follow the appropriate protocols.

Cannabis smoke smell issues are very similar to cigarettes smoke odors. They are removed in the same way.

Still have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us
and we will be with you shortly.

Allergen (Airborne Particulates) Removal Service


FAQ’S – Mold and Allergens

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Still have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us
and we will be with you shortly.

FAQ’s – Other Indoor Air Quality Issues

FAQ’s – Other Odor Types

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Still have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us
and we will be with you shortly.

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